"It was as if a world was materializing around me"
"The Shinai has a knack for detail retrieval"
"the speaker cones were completely
under the Shinai's control"
"The Shinai transmitted not just sound but
subtle people-in-a-band cues and dynamics"
STEREOPHILE - Robert Schryer - 08/2020
"Charmante Süffigkeit, ultra-stabiler Druck bis in tiefste Bassregionen"
AUDIO.DE 08/2016
"...sonically, a combination of virtues
between tubes and transistors."
"He does not color. He draws conspicuously in 3D"
"The device simply fills the room."
"This is an amplifier that is state of the art."
HIFITEST.DE - Holger Barske - 05/2021
"La vibration de l’humain, la présence incoercible
des êtres de chair et de sang
derrière les instruments ou derrière la pensée,
la création, le son comme vecteur de l’âme,
tel est le credo du gros intégré transalpin."
LEBEAUSON.FR - 06/2020
Themes in the "a knack for detail retrieval"
"gave notes and musical lines enough space
to stretch out and seamlessly transition
into the next notes and musical lines."
"The Shinai has the spirit of a revealer.
It speaks the truth—not ruthlessly, but honestly."
STEREOPHILE - Recommended Components 2021
"This integrated amplifier is made for purists
and for absolutely "pure" sound
with no flap."
"Grandinote Shinai
A Ferrari among amplifiers"
SON & IMAGE - Michel Bérard - 10/2017
"My journalistic objectivity be darned!
The Goerner Audio/Grandinote room produced
the sort of sound that melts my heart, ravishes my senses,
and reminds me of why great hi-fi is worth the money."
"But I think what surprised me most
was the fact there wasn't a single tube..."
STEREOPHILE - Robert Schryer - 10/2019
"...is real tube warmth and “mercury” eclecticism,
excellent tonal and timbre authenticity."
"As if we are listening to a real
single-ended amplifier in all its glory"
"get physical pleasure from the exquisite sound pictures
and enjoy the high-end gloss."
HI-FI.RU - Стас Устенко - 05/2019
"Shinai sounded as if it had
several hundred watts at its disposal"
"Shinai has the rare ability
to present the better side of recording"
HIGH FIDELITY - Wojciech Pacula - 09/2017
"the sound I heard was captivating,
courtesy of a complete system from Grandinote,
an Italian brand I was unfamiliar with,
but was immediately taken by."
STEREOPHILE - Robert Schryer - 03/2019
"The phenomenal sphere of sound surrounded us
like a merry ocean on a hot day.
The ocean of extraordinary clarity and splendor."
"a sound not unlike what produce electrostats,
but with incomparable higher dynamics."
"La Grande Bellezza. Just one great splendor!"
HIGH & STYLE - Andrej Turok - 12/2018
"...few were as musical or emotionally
powerful as this one."
"quality was exquisite-musical,
emotionally powerful, and sneakily dynamic,
without apparent flaw"
STEREOPHILE - Art Dudley - 05/2018
"by all accounts the sound was stellar
as to be expected already knowing
how good this Italian brand performs."
"Sounds too good to be true until you
hear these products for oneself. "
STEREOTIMES - Clement Perry - 05/2018
"Shinai has an outstanding talent for natural vocals,
just like a really good lamp.
The advantage is greater power"
"Listen to Shinai, that's the essence of fun"
this is pure musicality."
HIFI VOICE - Daniel Březina - 05/2018
"Shinai is one of the best solid state
integrated amplifire in the world...
...this capacityes are too rare..."
STACCATO - 06/2016
"...a realism and a delicacy in reconstructing
even the smallest nuances..."
"The detail and refinement are another must"
FDS - Alberto Guerrini - 07/2017
"From Bressana the Hi-Fi system
that travels the world"
PROVINCIA PAVESE - Mattia Tanzi - 04/2018