Grandinote at Florida International Audio Expo 2024
It was fantastic to participate at the Florida International Audio Expo 2024. A trade show that is growing every year, in a wonderful place as Tampa city, with many enthusiast audio lovers and professionals.
We had the opportunity to present for the first time in the USA the new SOLO integrated amplifier combined with the Mach 8XL speakers. Lots of positive feedback, both from press and from audiophiles.
The collaboration with Kimber Kable is precious and with its cables it has allowed our products to achieve maximum sound quality.
First of all we want to share with you some feedbacks from people that had the opportunity to listen our room and shared their first impression of our system just after the listening session:
Than we have a nice room report thanks to Howard Kneller for The Listening Chair on YouTube
Than the nice quick overview made by EnjoytheMusic:
" Coming off the elevator to my room I was greeted with Movement 8 "Hornpipe" from Handel's Water Music. As music does it pulled me into the Suite and I had my first exposure to Grandinote. I had never heard of this company until that moment. I was presented with a simple system. Their Solo integrated amp with DAC, pair of their Mach 8XL crossoverless speakers, and Kimber Carbons 18XL loudspeaker cables."
The HiFi Pig FLAX 2024 report:
"When faced with a large tower with an array of woofers, I often get excited. The Grandinote (GN) and Kimber Kable (KK) room presented the GN Mach8XL Speakers connected by KK KS 6068 to an impressive looking GN Solo Integrated amp along with the GN Volta DAC Streamer connected with KK KS1136 cables and PK10 Palladian power cables. This system lived up to my excitement by presenting a nuance and balanced tone across the room. The sound power was able to compensate for the typical issue of a small hotel room even without much of any room treatments."
and Home Theather HiFi on Instagram:
" Italian manufacturer Grandinote displayed a unique 60-watt solid-state Stereo Class A integrated amplifier with the slickest-looking configurable touchscreen interface that I’ve seen. Called the Solo ($20k), this handmade in Italy, fully balanced integrated is a heck of a thing!"
and finally some pictures from the show!